The Antelope Valley Rural Museum is a California nonprofit public benefit unincorporated association dedicated to preserving the rural history of Antelope Valley. Our members and volunteers work together to collect, preserve, restore, exhibit, and research facts and artifacts pertinent to the history of the Antelope Valley. We are grateful for the generosity and contributions of our volunteers!
Regular Members:
The AV Rural Museum has restructured the Annual membership for 2023 as follows:
Individual $30
Family $50
Organization/Business $100
Regular members in good standing are entitled to vote for officers etc., and may volunteer to work on projects and join committees.
AVRM Membership Application > (pdf)
Pay Annual Dues here through our Shop >
Fellowship Members:
Gold Fellowship Volunteers
= 10,000+ hours
Silver Fellowship Volunteers
= 1000- 9999 hours
Bronze Fellowship Volunteers
= 100 – 999 hours

Make a donation now
by credit card securely through PayPal:
P.O. Box 1316
Lancaster, CA 93538
Make a donation through our shop: