The Antelope Valley Rural Museum is a California nonprofit public benefit unincorporated association dedicated to preserving the rural history of Antelope Valley. The purpose of the AVRMOH is to develop a permanent historical museum for the citizens of the Antelope Valley by collecting, preserving, restoring, exhibiting, and researching facts and artifacts pertinent to the history of the Antelope Valley located in Los Angeles County, California.
Bill Rawlings
David Pickus
Sheila Sola
Luci Pickus
Dayle DeBry
Earle Specht
Jerry Sterk
The Don Grey Haro Bed Restoration Group
Don Grey, Lloyd Allen, Denny Butler,
Ron Barnes, & Ed Freund
Giovanni Simi
Janine Simi
Barbara Sterk
Jess Baker
Linda Baker
Jennifer Murad
Kirk Wallis
Steve McCormick
Jeff Godde
Pam Rawlings
Bob Brewer
Sky Jung
John Knapp
AACA Simi Loader Restoration Members
Steve Sterk
Carlos Sola
Ruth Godde
Brandy Royce
Kristi Word
Lynn DuPratt
Carol Stephens
Karl Peterson
Carman Losey
Glenn Losey I
Glenn Losey II
Glenn Losey III
Randy Whitson
Stan Ulvin
Norma Gurba
David Level
Bryce Adams
Courtney Adams
Deanna Adams
Jarod Adams
Linda Adams
Mary Adams
Mike Adams
Bob Alvis
Tracey Alvis
Andrea Bancroft
Joe Beebe
Hailee Beebe
Matt Bergman
Laura Blank
Steve Blank
Tom Bookman
Sherry Bragger
Christine Calvert
John Calvert
Cyndee Davenport
Dennis Davenport
Renato DeGuia
Pat Duhart
Roland Duhart
Ed Faucet
Bonnie Fergusson
Gerri Godde
Mary Godde
Patrick Godde
Dennis Groven
Margie Groven
Tommy Hall
Fred Hann
Sterling Houston
Nancy Kellogg
Ken Kline
Susan Knapp
John Krueger
Julie Kyle
Kendal Lenton
Brooke Losey
Annette Lynch
Morgan Lynch
Tina Lynch
Toni Lynch
Jeff McKibban
Brianna Nye
Diane Nye
Jim Nye
Jennifer Peil
Georgia Pipkin
Ralph Pipkin
Heather Poulliot
Ardith Richardson
Ted Richardson
Debbie Smith
Jim Smith
Pat Stevenson
Steve Sturdevant
Randy Whitson
David Williams
Vickie Wilson
Phil Wright
Fellowship Members:
Gold Fellowship Volunteers
= 10,000+ hours
Silver Fellowship Volunteers
= 1000- 9999 hours
Bronze Fellowship Volunteers
= 100 – 999 hours